时间曾定格于1949年10月1日,当雄伟的天安门迎来新一轮的太阳,当巍峨的华表披上曙光,当无数先烈用鲜血染红的五星红旗在天安门广场冉冉升起,伟大领袖毛主席洪亮的声音传遍了全世界:中华人民共和国成立了!中国人民从此站起来了!这一时刻,对于一个饱经忧患、受尽欺凌的民族来说是多么宝贵啊!当第 ……此处隐藏18597个字…… on sunday, i can wash the clothes. what about you? are you helpful, too?
in the kitchen
this is the kitchen of my family. it’s big and nice. look! my mother is cooking in it. this is a microwave and that is a stove. there is a big table here. there are many things on it. what are these? they look yummy! oh, they’re strawberries. and what are those? they are grapes.
my village
my village is very beautiful. there are many houses in the village. near the village, there is a forest. a small river is in front of the village. the water in it is very clean. we can see some fish in the river. near the river, you can see a mountain. some flowers and grass are on the mountain. i like my village. welcome to my village!